Inspired by true events, the film chronicles the story of Sisoy Salas, a corrupt journalist seeking justice for his colleagues, and convict Roman Rubio, a hired gun who is regularly brought out of prison to perform assassinations.
Released: 2022-11-02
Runtime: 208 minutes
Genre: Action, Crime
Stars: John Arcilla, Dennis Trillo, Dante Rivero, Christopher de Leon, Lotlot De Leon, Leo Martinez, Joey Marquez, Eric Fructuoso, Vandolph, Agot Isidro, Soliman Cruz, Lao Rodriguez, Andrea Brillantes, Ina Feleo, Megan Young, Levi Ignacio, Carlos Siguion-Reyna, Rayver Cruz, Wendell Ramos, Timmy HarnShow all > Dolly de Leon, Isabelle De Leon