Craig, a young boy living in a small town befriends an older, reclusive billionaire, Mr. Harrigan. The two form a bond over books and an iPhone, but when the man passes away the boy discovers that not everything dead is gone.
Released: 2022-10-05
Runtime: 105 minutes
Genre: Horror, Drama, Mystery
Stars: Jaeden Martell, Kirby Howell-Baptiste, Cyrus Arnold, Thomas Francis Murphy, Joe Tippett, Caitlin Shorey, Iván Amaro Bullón, Conor William Wright, Alexa Shae Niziak, Bennett Saltzman, Joseph Paul Kennedy, Thalia Torio, Leo Kennedy, Peggy J. Scott, Daniel Reece, Frank Ridley, Wayne Pyle, Colin O'Brien, Donald Sutherland, Randy KovitzShow all > Julia Weston